Cabinet - 03/02/2025 - Monday 3 February 2025, 7:15pm - Braintree District Council Webcasts
Cabinet - 03/02/2025
Monday, 3rd February 2025 at 7:15pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
Start of Webcast
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Agenda item :
1 - Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 - Declarations of Interest
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Emma Wisbey
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
3 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting
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Agenda item :
4 - Public Question Time
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Agenda item :
5 - Council Budget and Council Tax 2025-26 and Medium-Term Financial Strategy 2025-26 to 2028-29
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Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Phil Myers
Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Joanne Beavis
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Joanne Beavis
Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
6 - New CMS/Website Contract
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Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
7 - Asset Management - Property and Land Transactions
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Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Graham Butland
Emma Wisbey
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Joanne Beavis
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
8 - Procurement of Plastic Refuse and Recycling Sacks
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Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
End of Webcast
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Webcast Finished

Conservative Party Councillor for Silver End and Cressing
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Great Notley and Black Notley
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Great Notley and Black Notley
Braintree District Council

Halstead Residents' Association Councillor for Halstead Trinity
Braintree District Council