Corporate Policy Development Committee - 11/10/2023 - Wednesday 11 October 2023, 7:15pm - Braintree District Council Webcasts
Corporate Policy Development Committee - 11/10/2023
Wednesday, 11th October 2023 at 7:15pm
Agenda item :
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Cllr George Courtauld
Agenda item :
1 - Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 - Declaration of Interests - Scrutiny Committee
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Agenda item :
3 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting
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Agenda item :
4 - Public Question Time
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Agenda item :
5 - Corporate Strategy 2024/28 Development
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Tracey Headford
Cllr George Courtauld
Cllr Jack Edwards
Tracey Headford
Cllr Sindhu Rajeev
Tracey Headford
Cllr Sindhu Rajeev
Tracey Headford
Cllr George Courtauld
Cllr Malcolm Fincken
Tracey Headford
Cllr George Courtauld
Cllr Malcolm Fincken
Tracey Headford
Dan Gascoyne
Cllr George Courtauld
Tracey Headford
Cllr George Courtauld
Tracey Headford
Cllr George Courtauld
Tracey Headford
Dan Gascoyne
Cllr George Courtauld
Cllr Billy Taylor
Tracey Headford
Cllr Billy Taylor
Emma Wisbey
Cllr George Courtauld
Cllr Malcolm Fincken
Cllr George Courtauld
Emma Wisbey
Cllr George Courtauld
Cllr Malcolm Fincken
Cllr George Courtauld
Agenda item :
6 - Programme of Works 2023/24
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Agenda item :
7 - Urgent Business - Public Session
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Webcast Finished