Performance Management Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 23 November 2022, 7:15pm - Braintree District Council Webcasts
Performance Management Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 23rd November 2022 at 7:15pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Whole room
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 Declaration of Interests - Scrutiny Committee
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Cllr Peter Schwier
Cllr Mick Radley
Agenda item :
3 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
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Whole room
Cllr Mick Radley
Emma Wisbey
Cllr Mick Radley
Agenda item :
4 Public Question Time
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Agenda item :
5 Scrutiny of the Budget Options and Proposals for 2023-2024
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Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr John McKee
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Bill Rose
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Bill Rose
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr George Courtauld
Cllr James Coleridge
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr James Coleridge
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Charley Dervish
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Tony Everard
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Tony Everard
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Joanne Beavis
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Peter Schwier
Cllr John McKee
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr John McKee
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Gabrielle Spray
Cllr Mick Radley
Kim Mayo
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Mick Radley
Whole room
Public gallery
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Mick Radley
Public gallery
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Graham Butland
Public gallery
Cllr Graham Butland
Public gallery
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Mick Radley
Public gallery
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr Tony Everard
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Mick Radley
Whole room
Cllr Mick Radley
Agenda item :
6 Scrutiny Review into Section 106
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Agenda item :
7 Decision Planner - 1st December 2022 to 28th February 2023
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Agenda item :
End of webcast
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Agenda item :
5 Scrutiny of the Budget Options and Proposals for 2023-2024
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Agenda item :
6 Scrutiny Review into Section 106
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Cllr Peter Schwier
Cllr Mick Radley
Cllr George Courtauld
Cllr Mick Radley
Whole room
Cllr Mick Radley
Agenda item :
7 Decision Planner - 1st December 2022 to 28th February 2023
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Whole room
Cllr Mick Radley
Agenda item :
End of webcast
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Webcast Finished

Conservative Party Councillor for Great Notley and Black Notley
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Hatfield Peverel and Terling
Braintree District Council

Halstead Residents Association Party Councillor for Halstead St Andrews
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Gosfield and Greenstead Green
Braintree District Council