Licensing Committee - Wednesday 20 July 2022, 7:15pm - Braintree District Council Webcasts
Licensing Committee
Wednesday, 20th July 2022 at 7:15pm
Agenda item :
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Council Crest
Cllr J.Baugh
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1. Apologies for Absence
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Emma Wisbey
Cllr J.Baugh
Agenda item :
2. Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
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Whole room
Cllr J.Baugh
Agenda item :
4. Public Question Time
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Agenda item :
6. Hackney Carriage Proprietor’s Licence – Allocation
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Emma Wisbey
John Meddings
Cllr J.Baugh
Emma Wisbey
Cllr J.Baugh
Agenda item :
5. Statement of Licensing Policy for Sex Establishments – Revised 2022
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John Meddings
Cllr J.Baugh
Cllr P Schwier
Cllr J.Baugh
Cllr Mrs J Beavis
Emma Wisbey
Cllr J.Baugh
John Meddings
Cllr J.Baugh
Whole room
Cllr J.Baugh
John Meddings
Agenda item :
7. Licensing Committee Update
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Emma Wisbey
John Meddings
Cllr J.Baugh
Cllr B Rose
John Meddings
Cllr J.Baugh
Cllr Mrs J Beavis
Cllr J.Baugh
John Meddings
Cllr J.Baugh
Emma Wisbey
Cllr J.Baugh
Agenda item :
8. Urgent Business - Public Session
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Agenda item :
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Webcast Finished