Governance and Audit Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 28 October 2021, 7:10pm - Braintree District Council Webcasts
Governance and Audit Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 28th October 2021 at 7:10pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Whole room
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1 - Apologies for Absence
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Cllr Richard van Dulken
Emma Wisbey
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Agenda item :
2 - Declaration of Interests - Scrutiny Committee
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Whole room
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Agenda item :
3 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting
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Whole room
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Agenda item :
4 - Public Question Time
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Agenda item :
5 - Key Financial Indicators as at 30th September 2021
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Phil Myers
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr David Mann
Phil Myers
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr D White
Phil Myers
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Agenda item :
6 - Internal Audit Update, Including Progress Against 2021-22 Internal Audit Plan
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Angie Mitchell
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr David Mann
Angie Mitchell
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Angie Mitchell
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Agenda item :
7 - To receive the External Audit Plan 2020-21
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Steve Bladen (external auditor)
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Steve Bladen (external auditor)
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Steve Bladen (external auditor)
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Steve Bladen (external auditor)
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Agenda item :
8 - To approve the Statement of Accounts for the Financial Year 2019/20
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Phil Myers
Steve Bladen (external auditor)
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Hylton Johnson
Cllr David Hume
Cllr Hylton Johnson
Steve Bladen (external auditor)
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Hylton Johnson
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Steve Bladen (external auditor)
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Steve Bladen (external auditor)
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Steve Bladen (external auditor)
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Steve Bladen (external auditor)
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Full Chamber
Phil Myers
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Full Chamber
Emma Wisbey
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Emma Wisbey
Full Chamber
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Agenda item :
9 - To receive the Treasury Management Mid-Year Report 2021-22
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Phil Myers
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr David Mann
Phil Myers
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Emma Wisbey
Full Chamber
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Agenda item :
10 - Monitoring Officer Annual Report
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Emma Wisbey
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr D White
Emma Wisbey
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Agenda item :
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Full Chamber
Webcast Finished

Halstead Residents Association Party Councillor for Halstead St Andrews
Braintree District Council