Cabinet - 14th May 2018 - Monday 14 May 2018, 7:15pm - Braintree District Council Webcasts
Cabinet - 14th May 2018
Monday, 14th May 2018 at 7:15pm
The webcast for Cabinet on the 14th of May includes agenda items to be discussed in private session and will be paused for this purpose. The webcast will re-commence once any private items throughout the agenda have been completed.
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
6a. Braintree Town Centre Regeneration Scheme Development and Financial Update and Proposals
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Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
1.Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2. Declarations of Interest
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Committee Room
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
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Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
4. Public Question Time
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Agenda item :
5a. Leaders Update
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Agenda item :
6a. Braintree Town Centre Regeneration Scheme Development and Financial Update and Proposals
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Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Jon Hayden
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Gabrielle Spray
Cllr Graham Butland
Andrew Hull
Cllr Graham Butland
Caroline Rassell
Cllr Graham Butland
Andrew Hull
Cllr Graham Butland
Caroline Rassell
Cllr Graham Butland
Public Gallery
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Jackie Pell
Caroline Rassell
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr John McKee
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Emma Wisbey
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
6b. I-Construct Development and Financial Update and Proposals
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Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Phil Barlow
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Benedict Binns
Phil Barlow
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Phil Barlow
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr John McKee
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
7a. Chapel Hill Access Land Purchase
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Cllr John McKee
Cllr Graham Butland
Phil Barlow
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr John McKee
Phil Barlow
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
8a. Phase 4a Superfast Broadband Funding
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Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Emma Wisbey
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
8b Overview and Scrutiny Committee Scrutiny Review - Employment Land and Premises in the District
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Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
8c. Task and Finish Review in to Tourism Potential in the Braintree District
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Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
9a. The Bewell Strategy - Increasing levels of activity in the Braintree District
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Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Graham Butland
Phil Barlow
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Phil Barlow
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr John McKee
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
10a. Council's 2017-18 Accounts Closure
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Cllr David Bebb
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr David Bebb
Chris Fleetham
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
11a. Appointments to Outside Bodies
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Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Graham Butland
Mr Andy Wright
Cllr Graham Butland
Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
12. Cabinet Member Decisions made under delegated powers
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Committee Room
Cllr Graham Butland
Agenda item :
13. Urgent Business Authorised by the Chairman
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Agenda item :
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Conservative Party Councillor for Hatfield Peverel and Terling
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Silver End and Cressing
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Great Notley and Black Notley
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Great Notley and Black Notley
Braintree District Council

Halstead Residents' Association Councillor for Halstead Trinity
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Great Notley and Black Notley
Braintree District Council