Cabinet - Monday, 12 March 2018 - Monday 12 March 2018, 7:15pm - Braintree District Council Webcasts
Cabinet - Monday, 12 March 2018
Monday, 12th March 2018 at 7:15pm
Agenda item :
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Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Agenda item :
3 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
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Agenda item :
5b Annual Plan 2018-19
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Mr Andy Wright
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Committee Room
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Agenda item :
7b Strategic Risk Management
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Agenda item :
6a Third Quarter Performance Management Report 2017-18
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Cllr David Bebb
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Phil Barlow
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr John McKee
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Phil Barlow
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Mr Andy Wright
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Committee Room
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cherie Root
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Jon Hayden
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Agenda item :
7a Annual Report for Corporate Health & Safety
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Cllr John McKee
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr David Mann
Cllr John McKee
Phil Barlow
Cllr John McKee
Phil Barlow
Cherie Root
Phil Barlow
Cllr John McKee
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Agenda item :
7b Strategic Risk Management
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Cllr John McKee
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Phil Barlow
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr John McKee
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Committee Room
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr John McKee
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Agenda item :
8a Emergency Planning Annual Report
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Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cherie Root
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Phil Barlow
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Phil Barlow
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr David Bebb
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Mr Andy Wright
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
9a Open Spaces Supplementary Planning Document Open
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Agenda item :
8b North Essex Parking Partnership – New Service Level Agreement for Off-Street Parking Management and Enforcement within the Braintree District
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Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Phil Barlow
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Phil Barlow
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Richard van Dulken
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Committee Room
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Agenda item :
8c Adoption of New Powers to Control Littering
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Committee Room
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Agenda item :
9a Open Spaces Supplementary Planning Document Open
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Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Committee Room
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Agenda item :
10a Cabinet Member Decisions made under Delegated Powers
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Agenda item :
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Committee Room

Conservative Party Councillor for Hatfield Peverel and Terling
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Great Notley and Black Notley
Braintree District Council

Halstead Residents' Association Councillor for Halstead Trinity
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Great Notley and Black Notley
Braintree District Council