Special Meeting of Full Council - Monday 5 June 2017, 7:15pm - Braintree District Council Webcasts
Special Meeting of Full Council
Monday, 5th June 2017 at 7:15pm
Agenda item :
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Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for Absence
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Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Michael Banthorpe
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Full Chamber
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Agenda item :
4 Public Question Time
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Emma Goodings
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Guest Speaker
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Guest Speaker
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Guest Speaker
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Guest Speaker
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Guest Speaker
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Guest Speaker
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Guest Speaker
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Guest Speaker
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Agenda item :
5 Braintree District Publication Draft Local Plan
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Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Lady Newton
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Chris Siddall
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr John McKee
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Gabrielle Spray
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Joanne Beavis
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Andrew Hensman
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Graham Butland
Ms. Nicola Beach
Ms. Nicola Beach
Ms. Nicola Beach
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Phil Barlow
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr John Baugh
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr James Abbott
Ms. Nicola Beach
Ms. Nicola Beach
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Ms. Nicola Beach
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Full Chamber
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Lyn Walters
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Joanne Beavis
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Lyn Walters
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Full Chamber
Full Chamber
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Full Chamber
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Andrew Hensman
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Ms. Nicola Beach
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Chris Siddall
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Joanne Beavis
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Angela Kilmartin
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Ms. Nicola Beach
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Agenda item :
6 Interim Arrangements – Head of Paid Service
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Cllr Graham Butland
Full Chamber
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Graham Butland
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Phil Barlow
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Jackie Pell
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Chris Siddall
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Stephen Canning
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Andrew Hensman
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Ms. Nicola Beach
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Ms. Nicola Beach
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Agenda item :
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Webcast has finished

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