COUNCIL - Monday 12th December 2016 - Monday 12 December 2016, 7:15pm - Braintree District Council Webcasts
COUNCIL - Monday 12th December 2016
Monday, 12th December 2016 at 7:15pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
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Full Chamber
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
1. Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2. To receive any announcements/statements from the Chairman and/or Leader of the Council
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Cllr Butland
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
3. Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Gavin Maclure
Cllr Michael Banthorpe
Cllr Butland
Cllr Bill Rose
Cllr David Bebb
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Full Chamber
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Chris Siddall
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
5. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
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Full Chamber
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
6. Presentation on the East of England Local Authority Challenge 2016
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Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
7. Presentation for the Essex Playing Fields Awards
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Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
8. Presentation of the National Apprenticeship Service Apprentice of the Year Awards
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Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
9. Appointment to Committees and Outside Bodies
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Cllr Butland
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Full Chamber
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
10. The Establishment of Garden Communities Local Delivery Vehicles and Funding Requirements
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Cllr Butland
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Full Chamber
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Joanne Beavis
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Stephen Canning
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Iona Parker
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Michael Banthorpe
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Robert Mitchell
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Gavin Maclure
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Chris Siddall
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Butland
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Full Chamber
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
11. Recommendations from Overview and Scrutiny Committee 23rd November 2016 - Scrutiny Review into Broadband Provision in the Braintree District
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Cllr Chris Siddall
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Chris Siddall
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Stephen Canning
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Chris Siddall
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Angela Kilmartin
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Iona Parker
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Chris Siddall
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Full Chamber
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
12. Recommendation from Governance Committee 28th September 2016 - Treasury Management Mid-Year Report 2016-17
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Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Full Chamber
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
13. Recommendation from Cabinet 29th November 2016 - Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017-18 to 2020-2021
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Cllr David Bebb
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Full Chamber
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
14. Recommendation from Cabinet 29th November 2016 - Proposed Freehold Purchase of 3/4 Century Drive, Freeport Office Village, Braintree
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Cllr David Bebb
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Full Chamber
Full Chamber
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Full Chamber
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Full Chamber
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Full Chamber
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
15. Reports from the Leader and Cabinet Members
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Agenda item :
15a. Councillor G Butland - Leader's Report to Council
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Cllr Butland
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Gabrielle Spray
Cllr Butland
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Kevin James Bowers
Cllr Butland
Cllr Chris Siddall
Cllr Butland
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Butland
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Chris Siddall
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
15b. Councillor D Bebb - Finance and Performance
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Cllr David Bebb
Cllr David Bebb
Cllr David Bebb
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr David Mann
Cllr David Bebb
Cllr David Mann
Cllr David Bebb
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
15c. Councillor T Cunningham - Economic Development
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Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr David Bebb
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Moia Thorogood
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Hylton Johnson
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr John Elliott
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Hylton Johnson
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Robert Mitchell
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Angela Kilmartin
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Joanne Beavis
Cllr Tom Cunningham
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
15d. Councillor Lady Newton - Planning and Housing
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Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Chris Siddall
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Bill Rose
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Bill Rose
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
15e. Councillor J McKee - Corporate Services and Asset Management
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Cllr Butland
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
15f. Councillor Mrs W Schmitt - Environment and Place
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Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr James Abbott
Cllr Wendy Schmitt
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
15g. Councillor P Tattersley - Health and Communities
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Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Mary Cunningham
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Joanne Beavis
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr Angela Kilmartin
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Cllr John Goodman
Cllr Peter Tattersley
Cllr Frankie Ricci
Agenda item :
16. List of Public Meetings held since last Council Meeting
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Agenda item :
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Webcast has finished

Conservative Party Councillor for Hatfield Peverel and Terling
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Silver End and Cressing
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Bocking Blackwater
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Great Notley and Black Notley
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Kelvedon and Feering
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Great Notley and Black Notley
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Stour Valley South
Braintree District Council