Planning Committee - 16th August 2016 - Tuesday 16 August 2016, 7:15pm - Braintree District Council Webcasts
Planning Committee - 16th August 2016
Tuesday, 16th August 2016 at 7:15pm
Agenda item :
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Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Agenda item :
1. Apologies for Absence
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Agenda item :
2. Declarations of Interest
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Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Cllr Iona Parker
Cllr Peter Schwier
Cllr Iona Parker
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Agenda item :
3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
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Full Chamber
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Agenda item :
4. Public Question Time
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Public Speaker
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Public Speaker
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
5a. Application No 15/01103/OUT - Cowards Garage (Universal Garage), The Street, Hatfield Peverel
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Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Full Chamber
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Tessa Lambert
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Full Chamber
Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Tessa Lambert
Full Chamber
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Tessa Lambert
Cllr Stephen Kirby
Tessa Lambert
Cllr Hylton Johnson
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr Iona Parker
Tessa Lambert
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Full Chamber
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Parish Council
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Nina Pegler
Agenda item :
5d. Application No 15/01599/FUL - Plots 3 and 4 Rectory Meadow, Rectory Road, Sible Hedingham
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Agenda item :
5c. Application No 15/01598/FUL - Plots 1 and 2 Rectory Meadow, Rectory Road, Sible Hedingham
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Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Parish Council
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr Gabrielle Spray
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr Hylton Johnson
Cllr Patrick Horner
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Full Chamber
Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Full Chamber
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Full Chamber
Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Full Chamber
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Full Chamber
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Agenda item :
5g. Application No 16/01133/FUL - 124 Swan Street, Sible Hedingham
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Katie Towner
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Parish Council
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr Iona Parker
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Full Chamber
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Agenda item :
5h. Application No 16/00897/FUL - Land adjacent to Court House, Church Road, Twinstead
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Katie Towner
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr Gabrielle Spray
Full Chamber
Cllr David Mann
Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Cllr Peter Schwier
Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Cllr Iona Parker
Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Cllr Patrick Horner
Katie Towner
Cllr David Mann
Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Full Chamber
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Agenda item :
6. Planning and Enforcement Appeal Decisions - July 2016
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Tessa Lambert
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint
Cllr David Mann
Cllr Hylton Johnson
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi
Cllr David Mann
Tessa Lambert
Cllr Wendy Scattergood
Agenda item :
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Webcast has finished

Conservative Party Councillor for Gosfield and Greenstead Green
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Stour Valley South
Braintree District Council

Conservative Party Councillor for Gosfield and Greenstead Green
Braintree District Council